So pleased that I could order refills for the Santa Kit as this has become a tradition in our home each Christmas, even though my children are getting older.
product Elf on the Shelf® Letters to Santa Refill Kit12.95// Inline262246662275126224689165110% off64091193403Activities & Accessories64096501819All Items64091488315Books & Traditions408512266371Build Your Own Elf Kit261945229443Daily Express262022987907Daily Express / The Mirror / Daily Star262017089667Daily Star262017450115Mirror262214811779SpecialCollections261970133123The Elf on the Shelf®
Santa's Special Paper Refill Pack.
6 pieces of Santa's Special Paper
1 Water-Based Marker
6 Ribbon Sashes / Ornament Hangers
2 pieces of Parchment Paper
The Elf on the Shelf®2023preorderadd-to-cart// Title12.95// Title